Insights and advice? Let’s vCIO.
Three levels of service.

Stack vCIO is your very own virtual Chief Information Officer (CIO). It provides you with strategic insights and practical advice. Letting you focus on leading your business confidently, without the cost of an in-house CIO.


Our Advisory service provides your business with an extra set of eyes to keep watch over everything. Peace of mind included.

Lead internal committee meetings
Resilience in technology
Business continuity

Our Operational service delivers thorough support and extensive knowledge of your business. For affordability and functionality.

Onsite when required
Operational escalation
Management escalation
I.T. vendor management

Our Strategic services provide executive-level leadership to take care of your entire I.T. system. Ensuring your tech is working to meet targets.

Availability for board, steer co-meetings
Ongoing strategic guidance
Internal team & I.T. vendor management
Onsite 1 day per week
Guiding I.T. systems and business applications
Why choose Stack vCIO?
Drive your business forward – we’ve got your back.

Our expertise isn’t expensive. There’s no need to have your own full-time, in-house CIO with our cost-effective virtual insights and advice. Safe never takes dodgy shortcuts on your journey to digital optimisation - ensuring your systems are always secure and efficient.

For your business only. With over 15 years in the tech business, we know one size doesn’t fit all. Our vCIO services give you real world advice about what technology works and can be adopted safely. As well as letting you know about more innovative solutions that could potentially be a tad riskier for your business.

Proactive problem solvers. We don’t just fix problems, we prevent them from happening in the first place. Like a diligent fire warden that’s always planning every possible escape route – our proactive approach keeps your systems running smoothly by spotting (and fixing!) problems before they cause disruptions.

Scalable solutions for every scenario. In business, you never know what’s around the corner. So, we plan for everything (of course). Our services can adapt to your business's changing needs. So, you're always prepared to grow and navigate new challenges with ease.

We hate coming second place. Stack's vCIO Services makes sure you don’t get left behind. Instead, stay one step ahead of trends and your competitors with all the latest tech and innovations for success. Because it pays to keep up with technology when it comes to productivity, security and efficiency.

Services to take your business places.
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